Saturday 25 November 2017

It's not all about you

I have this natural inclination to think that the way people treat me or speak to me is a reflection of my worth. I know. I know. It’s not all about me but somehow it seems to be. An abrupt word, a silence, a funny look, someone not listening or interrupting has the potential to send me on a downward spiral of melancholy and hopelessness. Useless, useless echoes around me as I slide down the slippery slope on my tushy. It’s so undignified. You can imagine how topsy turvy my inner world is at times. It really is exhausting being me.

Of course in all fairness to God Almighty the Creator of the universe, the One-Who-Knows-Everything, my inside world is not nearly as chaotic as it used to be. Slowly but surely He is pulling down those old lying habits of thinking that tell me, I’m useless, worthless, of no earthly use. He is renewing my mind with the truth that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His image, I am loved with an everlasting love and Jesus dying on the cross is evidence of his love for me.

The fact of the matter is that if people treated me according to my inestimable worth which is non-negotiable, because you cannot argue with the One-Who-Knows-Everything, they would be running out red carpet everywhere I needed to walk, bowing when they approached me, fanning me with ostrich feather fans when it was too hot and feeding me with delicacies. My life would be one long royal visit which possibly would grow a little tedious for those I live with.

Yes the truth is I have great value and if people do not speak to me or treat me like that it could be, in the madness of the minute, they have forgotten that not only I, but them also, have inestimable worth. Perhaps like me they are pieces of brokenness being lovingly put back together and restored by their Creator.  Other people’s behaviour is definitely no reflection of my worth.

However, the question does need to be asked… what would happen if I treated everyone I met like they are royalty, made in the image of the creator of the universe? 

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