Thursday 21 December 2017

How low can you go Chubby?

I have decided that being a follower of Jesus Christ is very similar to the game limbo stick. In limbo stick a pole is held parallel to the ground by two people. The players form a line and, in turn, they attempt to pass under the bar. After everyone in the line has had a turn, the bar is lowered an inch or two and the process repeats. When passing under the bar, players must bend backwards. No part of their bodies may touch the bar and no part other than their feet may touch the ground. The winner is the one who can pass under the bar the lowest. In the song Limbo Rock by Chubby Checker promoting the game, one of the phrases mentioned is “how low can you go.”

That to me is the catch cry of my walk with Jesus- how low can I go? How far am I prepared to die to self and pride and humble myself?

In Philippians 2:5  it is written

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!”

In this passage we see how far Jesus was prepared to go. He made himself nothing, became a servant and eventually died. I believe he was able to do so because he knew who he was and was secure in his identity as the beloved son of God. When people spat at him, mocked him, whipped him, accused him, Jesus did not back off. He humbled himself because he knew God approved of him and was on his side. Then gloriously God's resurrection power brought Jesus back to life. 

Every day we have many opportunities to fight back, pamper ourselves, get even, refuse to be treated that way, insist on our rights, stand up for ourselves, get recognition, take the best seat or the biggest piece of cake. But I believe all God may require of us is to humble ourselves and see how low we can go. The crazy thing is God seems to use humiliation to make us humble if we choose that option. 

This walk I am on is not about me but about God. I humble myself and die to what I want, and he brings life. Its a great deal really even though it involves me giving up everything I have and am and ever hope to be.

How low can I go? I'm not sure at the moment but ask me in another 30 years just before my feet slip off the mortal high-wire. 

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