Saturday 21 January 2012

You are not in Kansas now Dorothy

I know it is a little zany but I like to drop one-liners from movies into conversations whenever I get the chance. I find it somewhat amusing. I do believe one has to create one's own fun sometimes in life.

It is amusing when people recognise the one-liner and laugh. It is also amusing when people do not recognise it and give you a blank look. I like to deliver my one-liners in the voice that mimics the actor or actress who first said it which could be one reason people give me a blank look if they don't recognise the one-liner. Mimicry is not something I am especially gifted at.

Franky my dear I don't give a damn is one of my favourites but you do have to be careful when and where you use it. I first watched Gone with the wind when I was 14 and it was a memorable life defining three-and-a-half hours-long, moment somehow. I think it was at the end of the movie when Scarlett said "tomorrow is another day" that cinched it as life defining. I saw the movie again when I was 24 and it still captivated me. However, and it is a very large HOWEVER, when I saw the movie late last year some 20 years since I had last seen it, I could have slapped Katie Scarlett O'Hara. Someone needed to. I could not believed how badly behaved she was. I struggled to watch it even knowing that two of my favourite one-liners of all time were coming up.

Now, there is a limitation with my one-liner collection because most of my one-liners either are found in Gone with the wind or Forest Gump. Not a serious problem if you have seen Forest Gump as many times as I have which reminds me I have not seen it for a while.

I have to confess I have seen that movie so many times I know parts of it off by heart. Who could forget such classics as Jenny and me were like peas and carrots, mumma always said life is like a box of chocolates, I guess sometimes there just ain't enough rocks, stupid is as stupid does, that boy is a running fool, run Forest run.

There are a few others I use but not as often as Forest Gumpers. Houston we have a problem, You're terrible Muriel, We're on a mission from God, Who you gonna call.

The best part about one-liners is fitting them into a conversation. It takes courage, especially if you are in a job interview and cerebal dexterity, but it really is very amusing and satisfying.

Now I wonder where I put that Forest Gump dvd?

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