Tuesday 3 January 2012

How hard is it to be interested anyway?

I have had two rather burrzar conversations with salespeople of the male variety lately.

These conversations contrast badly with another I had.

It all started when I decided I wanted to update my laptop. However being a money conscious sort of a gal I decided I wanted to pay about $900 for a computer that was worth $1200.

I know that sounds incredibly naive of me and even a little scroogy perhaps. But not really needing one I decided I could bide my time and buy one for a price that suited me.

A major chain of appliance shops opened a store in my little town so I went in for a look. I told the young man exactly what I wanted and told him I was in no hurry - did he have anything in the shop fitting my requirements.

He was so polite. He showed me what was available. And then he remembered a special offer that finished yesterday which would have been exactly what I wanted. Bother I said. I would have bought that computer. He advised me to keep coming in to check on the specials.

I was very impressed with that young man. He went out of his way to be helpful even when I told him my unrealistic expectations.

In contrast to this are two male sales assistants I met last week. I told them exactly the same story and they did not give a monkeys. They shifted from foot to foot not really wanting to talk to me. One went back to unpacking boxes while I asked him questions. He was the one who asked me what was my occupation and did I realise they are lucky to make $50 on a laptop.

Who can blame them for their lack of interest? I don't really. I was very offhand and had unrealistic expectations. But what happens if I had been testing their customer service technique and if they passed I would have bought a computer from them anyway?

Or what happens if I had changed my mind about what I wanted when I realised I was not going to be able to buy the kind of laptop I was after?

I would sooner pay a little more for a laptop from the helpful young man than a cheaper one from those other two.

Which reminds me. I must remember to listen to people like what they are sharing is very important.

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