Thursday 20 September 2018

Please do not mind but I have the air conditioning on

I was sitting in my room in the cool fridge like conditions feeling a little bit embarressed because I was using electicity to cool my room. What what William Carey say?

The cool was certainly delicious. I went outside the room to the hallway  and it was like an oven.

I quickly came back in and turned the air conditioning off. After being out in the hall my room seemed very cool.

Later  I found a button on the remote control which read Room temp. When  I pushed it nothing happened until I turned the air con back on.

There it was -  the staggering truth. It was 30 flaming degrees.

 I instantly stopped feeling bad about using the air con. Again I checked the room temperature and it was 31 degrees.

It was bed time so I turned the air con back on. After an hour I was still awake so I looked to see what the room temperature was. It was 26 degrees. Crazy. The room temperature had only dropped five degrees in an hour.

At some point in the night it started to rain so I turned off the air con. In the morning when I opened my window there was a lovely breeze coming in.

As I breakfasted, showered and dressed I realised another advantage of using the air con. The marble floor was very cold.

Now it is nearly 4pm and it is 28 degrees in the room. I have had to close the windows because my blood sucking friends were coming in.

I can feel my face glowing with perspiration.

I wonder how my visitors would like a burst of cold air?

I really do need to turn the air con back on and cool down else I will never get my house dress off and my salwar chemise back on for 6pm when I am going out.