Sunday 28 July 2013

Stop, come here, get back on the pavement

After the events of recent years I am beginning to develop a theory on the subject of humiliation. Why humiliation? Because this somewhat unpleasant topic seems to be one of the themes running through my life. I know this all sounds a bit morbid and self-absorbed but my theory does not involve me feeling sorry for myself. Rather it is me stepping back and figuring out what is going on. My theory contains observations of wonder and amazement at how something devastating, embarressing and potentially demoralising can do something magnificent in my character.

 As I am overlooked for promotion, ignored, watch others receive the praise that really was mine as well, or watch others get credit for a project they had little to do with, am denounced as having nothing to offer, put myself in a classroom to learn new skills, all of which can be  rather humiliating occasions, I have two options. I can either get bitter or better. Luckily without really realising it I have mostly allowed the experiences to make me better.
And the conclusion I have come to is  humiliation, if I let it, is the way I learn humility.

Now may I be so bold as to suggest we see this in the lives of people like Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela. When Mother Theresa went to work and live on the streets of Kolkata with the poorest of the poor humiliation was her companion. Likewise when Nelson Mandela was unjustly imprisioned for a large portion of his life humiliation was closer than his shadow. However, both these history makers learned humility as a result and both are admired and respected for their contribution to humanity.  

Developing a theory on humiliation might be morose but I find it helpful because it prepares me to face humiliation face on and not to run from the lessons it has to teach me. Humiliation stops being an enemy when I embrace it and welcome the not so pleasant truths  it reveals to me about myself.
Maybe one day I will be so humble I will not even notice humiliation.