Friday 2 November 2012

The power of the eyebrow

Did I ever mention the fact that I have a fascination with eyebrows? No? Well I do. I like checking out people's eyebrows. Eyebrows really are intriguing. Some are carefully coiffured with eyebrow pencil, some have been violently plucked into shape, some are untouched by human hand, some continue unhindered across the brow in a rebellious single brow and believe it or not some people do not really have eyebrows.

You would not know this of course unless you have studies people's faces the way I have.

I think my interest in eyebrows began with the Six Million Dollar Man. He could  lift one eyebrow higher than the other to give someone a puzzled, querying sort of look. I would watch all programme for the moment when that eyebrow would rise up. It was a very cool trick and I decided that was the kind of look I wanted to be able to give people. It took a while but I eventually trained the muscles on the left side of my eyebrow to go up and the muscles on the right to frown.

Aside from my triumphant eyebrow raising trick, the rest of the time nowdays, I find my eyebrows somewhat of a hassle. This is partly because for one birthday my brother and sister-in-law kindly shouted me a facial which included free eyebrowing shaping. I really liked the new shape but since that day I have felt duty-bound to pluck my eyebrows and keep them in order.

Unfortunately other the years my eyesight has deteriorated and so I need to wear glasses to see the hairs that need plucking. Not being able to see well has led to a few disasters when I have pulled out a few more hairs than the eyebrow technician did. So now my eyebrows are not as long as they once were which means if they grow back and I do not pluck them fast they look rather weird. Almost a bit Frankinsteinish.

I also can not see my eyebrows that well so I often forget to pluck them. It is fortunate really I do not have good eyesight because I think if I knew how Frankensteinish they looked I would be very embarressed.